Eva Murray Eva Murray

How to approach career growth

To achieve professional growth and change you can come up with a plan, but the most important part is the starting point.

Here I explain how to get started.

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Eva Murray Eva Murray

How to network at a tech conference

We’re back to in-person events and with that comes planning, preparation and getting used to face to face interactions again. Here are my top tips for making the most of your time at tech conferences.

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Eva Murray Eva Murray

How to get motivated

Don’t wait for motivation to show up at your door. Create your own momentum for success with the tips I share in this blog.

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Eva Murray Eva Murray

How to plan your career

How can you approach planning your career? And how should you respond to unforeseen changes and opportunities while still pursuing your career goals?

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Eva Murray Eva Murray

How to make important life decisions

How do you make big, sometimes scary decisions that have long-term implications, financial commitments and require us to plan ahead, often beyond the point you’re really comfortable with? That’s this week’s topic for Midweek Mentor.

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Eva Murray Eva Murray

Launch: Midweek Mentor

I’m launching Midweek Mentor, a YouTube series with new videos every Wednesday. It’s your weekly dose of mentoring with pragmatic advice - entirely free!

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Eva Murray Eva Murray

47 Life Lessons

The last 36 years have given me a life with many many ups and only a few bumps in the road. It’s been a great ride so far and long may it continue. Today I want to share all those life lessons that I have been able to think about and write down in the past three months since I met my dear friend Jack for lunch on a rainy Friday afternoon and decided to keep a list with these ideas.

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