#MakeoverMonday Week 7 2021: What's the point of Valentine's Day?

When our data upload day falls on Valentine's Day, it makes for a very obvious choice of topics. So this year for #MakeoverMonday week 7 we're looking at survey data about Valentine's Day and the perception people have of the purpose of the day.

The original viz comes from Statista:


What works well:

  • The title grabs my attention.
  • The different responses are simply worded.
  • The colors are clear.
  • Nice simple bar chart.

What could be improved:

  • The color combination of pink and blue is so sickeningly stereotypical and I hate seeing it in data visualization.
  • The overall design looks very busy with the heart shaped image and the colored and branded footer.

What I did:

  • For this dataset I created a simple scatterplot with a 45º line to show which reasons matter more to women versus men.
  • Click on the image to view the interactive version on Tableau Public.


#MakeoverMonday Week 8 2021: Protests Against Limiting Abortion Rights in Poland


#MakeoverMonday Week 6 2021: Perceived Obstacles to Gender Equality