#MakeoverMonday Week 6 2021: Perceived Obstacles to Gender Equality

This week we're visualizing another #Viz5 dataset, this time about perceived obstacles to Gender Equality.

The original viz is this:


What works well:

  • Detailed description
  • Detailed results

What could be improved:

  • While details can be helpful, in this case I find them overwhelming.
  • The pink is obnoxious
  • Too many colors in the map.

What I did:

  • After a lot of back and forth, I ended up focusing on a single answer which showed consistent responses across all countries.
  • In all countries women more than men consider the burden of domestic duties and responsibilities to have more of a detrimental effect on equality.
  • Here is my viz


#MakeoverMonday Week 7 2021: What's the point of Valentine's Day?


#MakeoverMonday Week 5 2021: Renewables Overtake Fossil Fuels in Europe