#MakeoverMonday 2020 Week 37: England Teacher Salaries

This week has to be quick because I'm official on holidays and it's so sunny outside that it would be criminal to spend too much time in front of a screen.

Charlie selected a dataset about teacher salaries in England. I saw a lot of cool visualizations throughout the week and plenty of creativity and good analysis. Here is the original viz:


What works well:

  • The title, while boring, is fairly descriptive and specific
  • Each color is labeled in the legend

What could be improved:

  • The chart needs a proper title
  • The color legend and colored bars dominate everything, so it's really hard to see what this is actually about
  • Why are the different levels and genders all mixes in together?
  • There need to be unit labels for the metric: this is in GBP

What I did:

  • A quick and simple bar chart so I can go back to enjoying the sunshine and spending time with my favourite people :-)


#MakeoverMonday 2020 Week 38: Books in Germany


#MakeoverMonday 2020 Week 36: Calories and Sugar in Cereals