#MakeoverMonday 2020 Week 34: Sexual and reproductive health and rights


For week 34 of #MakeoverMonday, we are once again partnering with the team at Operation Fistula for a #Viz5 challenge, visualizing data about the issues impacting women and girls. This time, we're looking at Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights.

The original visualization looks like this:


What works well:

  • The viz gives us a big picture perspective of the data
  • The map shows me the regions contained in the data
  • I like the coloring by region, it is helpful
  • The data source is clearly stated
  • There is a focus on where women's needs are not met, which I find interesting

What could be improved:

  • The title says 'worldwide' but the data doesn't include every country so it's a bit misleading
  • There is a lot of detail in the table under the map. Is there a better way to visualize all that data?
  • What is the story or key takeaway here? A call to action would be helpful for engaging the audience

What I did:

  • After several starts and stops I got into this dataset and persisted to find the focus and the story I wanted to tell.
  • I chose to focus just on African countries and highlight those where over 30% of women do not have the access to contraception they need.
  • Here is my viz - click on the image for the interactive version


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