#MakeoverMonday 2020, Week 33: Scotland - the state of the digital nation

For week 33, Charlie chose a dataset about Scotland, featuring a map. Here is the original viz:


What works well:

  • The map grabs my attention
  • The word Scotland in the title is nice and prominent and immediately tells me where in the world we are
  • The labeling is helpful

What could be improved:

  • My first reaction is: why should I care? There is nothing particularly insightful on this map, no explanation or compelling story (maybe there is none??)
  • It's a bit 'much': everything is competing for my attention

What I did:

  • I couldn't quite see the need for anything more elaborate than a bar chart for this data.
  • Took 2min to create and 20min to format, the usual...
  • colors inspired by visitscotland.com


#MakeoverMonday 2020 Week 34: Sexual and reproductive health and rights


#MakeoverMonday 2020 Week 32: The Benefits of Working from Home