How to handle difficult questions

How to handle difficult questions

You’ve just finished your presentation and come to the part you silently dread: Q&A. You don’t mind the questions but what if someone throws you a curveball?The ChallengeIn your professional life you’ll encounter difficult questions and conversations all the time....
Remember to do the work

Remember to do the work

The internet is full of resources for learning new skills and if you wanted to, you could forever be a student. It’s tempting to stay there and accumulate knowledge without putting yourself into situations where you apply what you’ve learned.The ChallengeYou have...
Three lessons from my coaching clients

Three lessons from my coaching clients

One of my coaching clients told me he feels overwhelmed by all the work on his to do list. The tasks just keep piling up and he dreads going to work on a Monday because there is never enough time to get everything done.So we sat down, talked through his list and...
How to balance short-term and long-term goals

How to balance short-term and long-term goals

Raise your hand if you set goals at the start of the year. ✋Raise your hand if you have forgotten about some of those goals by now. ✋​Yup, that’s normal and I invite you to join me in making sure you tackle your goals consistently over the coming months.The...
Drive better career results unapologetic clarity

Drive better career results unapologetic clarity

Get off the fence and take a stanceThe data industry has grown immensely in the last decade and you’re not alone in feeling that it’s difficult to stand out. There seem to be so many data professionals and new titles pop up every week. It’s more important...