Looking to network? 3 Tips to prep like a pro!

Looking to network? 3 Tips to prep like a pro!

Ahhh, networking! You know you should be doing it, but it feels awkward. Or you dislike striking up conversations with strangers. What to do? Read on for my three favourite ways to make networking more fun and deliver benefits to you. The Challenge You’re at an event...
How to handle difficult questions.

How to handle difficult questions.

You’ve just finished your presentation and come to the part you silently dread: Q&A. You don’t mind the questions but what if someone throws you a curveball? The Challenge In your professional life you’ll encounter difficult questions and conversations all the...
Three lessons from my coaching clients.

Three lessons from my coaching clients.

One of my coaching clients told me he feels overwhelmed by all the work on his to do list. The tasks just keep piling up and he dreads going to work on a Monday because there is never enough time to get everything done. So we sat down, talked through his list and...
Put your technical skills to the test

Put your technical skills to the test

How do you rate your technical skills, e.g. writing SQL code or creating calculations for your next dashboard? How do you feel about the things you build and the frameworks you rely on?This week I’m sharing my favourite way to test your knowledge, because we should...
Start your weekend without worrying about work

Start your weekend without worrying about work

Today’s newsletter is for you if you often head into the weekend without switching off from work. You’re still thinking about your unfinished tasks on a Friday night, checking emails on Saturday and starting to respond to them on Sunday night.It has to stop and you...