How to find something you’re good at

How to find something you’re good at

We’ve all been there: you get to the start of the year (or the end) and you realize you’re doing something that doesn’t exactly fill you with excitement and joy.Life isn’t always going to be like a trip to Disney World (if that’s your thing) or like a gourmet...
How to set up a budget

How to set up a budget

Are your personal finances giving you a headache? Do you know how much you’re spending and what you’re spending your money on? Do you think you should save money for a rainy day but just can’t seem to find any money at the end of the month?Setting up a budget is a...
Launch: Midweek Mentor

Launch: Midweek Mentor

Happy New Year!I’m delighted to launch my weekly YouTube series Midweek Mentor. You can expect videos about topics including career, work life, communication, building your personal brand, looking after your mental and physical well-being, and more.Videos will be...
47 Life Lessons

47 Life Lessons

The last 36 years have given me a life with many many ups and only a few bumps in the road. It’s been a great ride so far and long may it continue. Today I want to share all those life lessons that I have collected in the past three months since I met my dear friend...