Eat the frog

Eat the frog

When things become challenging we are tempted to avoid them and procrastinate. Whether you clean the whole apartment instead of working on your thesis, or scroll through Instagram instead of doing your taxes – it’s a very common thing. We all do it. But there is...
The beauty of time (and of being patient)

The beauty of time (and of being patient)

Achieving goals takes time. Sometimes more, sometimes less. Being patient is often difficult, because we set our sights on a target and become disheartened with how much time it requires to achieve it and how much effort is needed along the way.But the time that...
How to close the open drawers

How to close the open drawers

You probably know the feeling of having some unfinished tasks on your to do list. And even if you have time to do them, you just don’t. Maybe you don’t feel like it or it makes you anxious (taxes anyone?) or it just feels too difficult. And so you delay but in your...
How to network at a tech conference

How to network at a tech conference

I am excited that conferences and industry events are increasingly being hosted in-person. I’ve missed meeting people face to face, and it’s something I really enjoy about my job.As we go back to in-person events we all have to get used to those face to face...
How to tackle imposter syndrome

How to tackle imposter syndrome

Imposter syndrome, that irritating feeling that we’re completely out of our depth. We feel like we don’t belong in a situation, a work project, on a stage, or even in a job. And yet, here we are and we have to make it work. Are we pretending and faking and it will all...
How to ask better questions

How to ask better questions

I previously shared my thoughts on asking better questions. And a recent experience encouraged me to revisit this topic and explain it from another angle.I recently posted a comment on someone’s LinkedIn post in response to her question. My comment included something...