by Eva Murray | Apr 7, 2020 | Makeover Monday, Tableau
It is another week for a Viz5 dataset as part of our collaboration with Operation Fistula. This month, we’re looking at the topic of unpaid work, something so poignant right now that hundreds of millions of people are staying home and as such, unpaid work...
by Eva Murray | Mar 10, 2020 | Makeover Monday, Tableau
This week we launched the Visualize Gender Equality campaign #Viz5 and we are starting with a heavy topic: violence against women and girls and the perception of women and men towards violence being justified. I am excited about the year-long collaboration with...
by Eva Murray | Feb 24, 2020 | Makeover Monday, Tableau
For week 8 I chose a dataset from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, looking at homelessness statistics and, more particularly, the outcomes of specialist homelessness services. The original visualization was published on AIHW’s website:...
by Eva Murray | Feb 11, 2020 | Makeover Monday, Tableau
A few weeks ago, someone shared a viz from the Washington Post with me that showed how much of ‘your’ life the US has been at war, depending on someone’s year of birth. I thought this was a fascinating way to look at the data, so decided to challenge...
by Eva Murray | Feb 3, 2020 | Makeover Monday, Tableau
For week 5, Charlie picked an interesting dataset, stemming from a survey of Brits on how they voted in political elections as well as their opinion on James Bond actors and how open they are to a future Bond being female, gay, of ethnic minority origin or...
by Eva Murray | Jan 27, 2020 | Makeover Monday, Tableau
I love a good challenge and I also love a meaningful and impactful #MakeoverMonday collaboration. This week I am in the US and Anya A’Hearn, fellow Tableau Zen Master and dataviz expert, who also leads the San Francisco Bay Area TUG, invited me to run a...