by Eva Murray | Jul 7, 2020 | Makeover Monday, Tableau
For this week’s #MakeoverMonday, Charlie chose a chart from a BBC article about the prevalence of mental health issues between men and women and across different age groups. Here is the original viz:...
by Eva Murray | Jul 3, 2020 | Makeover Monday, Tableau
For this year’s #Viz5 (Visualize Gender Equality) initiative we get a monthly data challenge from the team at Operation Fistula. This week the topic they selected is women’s economic empowerment, with a massive dataset of 50 years of country-level data...
by Eva Murray | Jun 24, 2020 | Makeover Monday, Tableau
Fos this week’s #MakeoverMonday challenge, Charlie picked a chart about Amazon’s revenue vs profit from this article. What works well: It’s a very simple and clean line chart that is easy to read and understand. The title is clear and succinct. The...
by Eva Murray | Jun 19, 2020 | Makeover Monday, Tableau
In #MakeoverMonday we naturally mix heavier topics with some lighter and easier ones. We also aim to have a good variety of datasets so participants can work with complex, simple, large and small amounts of data, using different visualization and analysis approaches....
by Eva Murray | Jun 11, 2020 | Makeover Monday, Tableau
This week Charlie chose a viz about the eating habits of people in the UK. Plant-based foods and a plant-based diet have become more popular, with an increasing number of people also choosing to go vegan. The below visualization is from Statista who asked people how...
by Eva Murray | Jun 1, 2020 | Makeover Monday, Tableau
Our collaboration with Operation Fistula for #Viz5 is here with another dataset. This time the topic is pretty horrific, which makes it all the more important to talk about and tackle. We’re looking at FGM, female genital mutilation, and more specifically the...