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No problem. I post regular mini-blogs filled with actionable advice to help you develop both your personal and professional skills. Please do dive into these to get a better idea of who I am and what it would be like to work with me as your coach. 

If there’s a topic you’d like me to cover, please do get in touch and let me know.

Recognise the pivotal career moments

Recognise the pivotal career moments

When you reflect on your career, what moments changed the course of your professional life?

Hindsight is a beautiful thing and I love reflecting on the good times as well as the challenges, so today I want to share 4 things that helped me along the way.

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How do you plan your career?

How do you plan your career?

How did you plan your career? I was asked this question last week and it took me a little while to answer it properly.

This week I want to share two different approaches to career planning as I’ve seen and experienced them.

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5 tips for getting your career unstuck

5 tips for getting your career unstuck

From time to time you’ll doubt whether you’ve made the right choice. Is this the right job? Are these tasks the best use of your time and talent? Should you have taken a different path altogether?

If you feel stuck and unsure which direction to go, read on for five tips that help you gain clarity again. Plus: important announcement at the end!

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Are you support crew or the main character?

Are you support crew or the main character?

We tend to be either part of the support crew or the main character. This holds true whether we work on a task, a project or a big transformation program.

Today I want you to ponder the question of where you typically find yourself and how much you enjoy and excel at the given role.

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Happiness and your career

Happiness and your career

I want to share some thoughts on how I’ve come to experience and create happiness in my own life, what work has to do with it and why I’m very opposed to the popular culture perspective on what makes people happy.

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