Not quite ready to work with me 1:1 just yet?

No problem. I post regular mini-blogs filled with actionable advice to help you develop both your personal and professional skills. Please do dive into these to get a better idea of who I am and what it would be like to work with me as your coach. 

If there’s a topic you’d like me to cover, please do get in touch and let me know.

Let others help you find your niche

Let others help you find your niche

You’re likely working with people and in contact with other professionals you come to you for specific topics. When people ask us questions we don’t always realise that those questions follow a pattern and that certain themes repeat themselves.

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Finding your niche – let’s talk tools

Finding your niche – let’s talk tools

When you want to refine what your professional niche is, you need to look at it from multiple angles.

This week we’ll start with tools and technologies, because it’s a simple way to focus on skills and experiences before we tackle the less tangible topics.

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Let’s find your professional niche

Let’s find your professional niche

But what could I possibly add to the data industry that others haven’t done yet?

YOU have something unique to add and today I want to start looking at what your niche could be. Then over the next weeks we’ll dive deeper into finding and defining the things that only you can bring.

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