Not quite ready to work with me 1:1 just yet?
No problem. I post regular mini-blogs filled with actionable advice to help you develop both your personal and professional skills. Please do dive into these to get a better idea of who I am and what it would be like to work with me as your coach.
If there’s a topic you’d like me to cover, please do get in touch and let me know.
How to handle difficult questions
You’ve just finished your presentation and come to the part you silently dread: Q&A. You don’t mind the questions but what if someone throws you a curveball?
Remember to do the work
Learning is great but it also keeps you in a certain comfort zone where you add new knowledge…
Three lessons from my coaching clients
There are areas in your professional life that you know need to change, but you’re not sure where to start.
Here are three examples from my coaching clients, showing you what can be achieved in a single conversation when you get an outside perspective.
How to balance short-term and long-term goals
At the start of the year you set ambitious goals for yourself.
You were fired up during January, started slipping in February and now you’ve forgotten about some of the goals altogether. Not all of them excite you anymore and some feel like a burden.
Drive better career results unapologetic clarity
There seem to be so many data professionals and new titles pop up every week. It’s more important than ever to become crystal clear on who you are and the value you bring and to do so unapologetically.
Two effective strategies to go beyond imposter syndrome
Do you feel like an imposter? Think you don’t deserve your promotion? Do you worry people think you know a lot less than they expected?
Improve your odds of getting what you want
Picture this: you’ve been introduced to someone who is an expert in their field and have drafted the perfect email to follow-up on your conversation. In it, you ask for advice. You can’t wait to receive their answer.
And then? No response. What a bummer!
If you’re struggling with self-confidence, this is for you
Getting on stage might be the last thing on your mind and you’re getting sweaty palms just thinking about it, but let me try to convince you that it’s the best way I know to build confidence that translates into every area of your life.
Quality over Quantity: The Key to Professional Development
If your plan for 2024 is to read at least 52 non-fiction books, complete technical bootcamps, run 10 marathons and do a daily ice bath – then hold on a minute…
Embracing a new chapter as an entrepreneur
I’ve taken the plunge and I’m going all in on being an entrepreneur…
Build your network with this tiny daily habit
Taking a deliberate approach to growing your network means finding people you want to learn from, exchange ideas with, buy from, propose ideas/products/services to, etc.
Happy 2024 – what will YOU do?
Most of us use our phone as the easy way to relieve some of that pressure by escaping into digital landscapes, scrolling, watching, reading, liking and sharing. Meanwhile, those we care about – our loved ones – and the work we take pride in suffer from our inattention.