#MakeoverMonday 2020 Week 46: The Majority of Advertising Dollars are Now Being Spent Online

Andy found a great viz for this week's #MakeoverMonday challenge and kindly dug out the data for me as well as I'm managing a few different projects at the same time.

This week we're looking at advertising spend in the US with the original viz looking like this:

What works well:

  • The colors overall are nice, even if some are too similar
  • The viz looks engaging
  • I like the dotted line from 2020 to 2024 to indicate the future projections
  • Nice big numbers for labels

What could be improved:

  • The purples are too similar and hard to differentiate
  • Sizing the numbers by ad spend makes the viz looks a bit busy
  • The title gets lost because the font is quite small
  • The timeline (x-axis) is too prominent and looks out of balance with the rest of the viz

What I did:

  • This week I wanted to play with labels and label formatting. I like labels, they need more attention.
  • I decided on a heat map in an effort to show the change over time and the drastic change in internet ad spend versus all the others. I sorted the categories and items accordingly.
  • I'm actually happy with how this turned out this week. Click on the image for the interactive version with tooltips and hover actions.


#MakeoverMonday 2020 Week 47: Why America's debt doesn't stop growing


#MakeoverMonday 2020 Week 45: Dedicated Video Game Sales Units