#MakeoverMonday 2020 Week 43: Apparel Exports to the US


For this week's #MakeoverMonday, Charlie chose a dataset about the unpaid apparel orders by US brands from their producers, resulting in severe detrimental impacts on workers rights and businesses.

This is the original visualization:


What works well:

  • The shaded area between the lines in each of the charts shows the magnitude of the lost value for the businesses and workers in the affected countries.
  • A separate visualization for each country makes it easy to see differences.
  • The tables are helpful for seeing the actual values in $millsions

What could be improved:

  • The colors are garish, red with green isn't a good idea and its really hard to look at this for any length of time.
  • It's unclear to me how to interpret the significance of this.

What I did:

  • While it has taken me until Friday to actually find time for the viz, the process to build it wasn't exactly time consuming.
  • A heat map from me this week to showcase the differences year over year
  • Click for the interactive version


#MakeoverMonday 2020 Week 44: #Viz5 - The Digital Gender Gap


#MakeoverMonday 2020 Week 42: Health spending