Makeover Monday week 44, 2018: Everybody poops


Tackling this Makeover Monday dataset in a slightly zombie state while waiting for my connection from London to Frankfurt as I fly home from TC18 in New Orleans...And then there is a dataset about poo. Who would have thought? But sometimes we need something as ordinary as that to keep things from getting too serious :-).So here is the original viz...

What works well:

  • Simple bar chart that adds to 100% for each category
  • Large numbers to label each bar
  • Descriptive labels for each category
  • References to data source and timeframe of the survey
  • Descriptive title and subtitle
  • Distinct colors

What could be improved:

  • The color for 'not always' is green, but green to me indicates something positive where in this context it is something that makes me go 'ewwww'
  • There are a lot of categories for men and women and where they poop or pee and how they do it. This results in a lot of bars and makes it hard to draw any real conclusions

What I did:

  • Focused on the category of 'at work'
  • Created a simpler bar chart
  • Decided to highlight the 'ewww' people who I wouldn't want to shake hands with (if I knew who they were)

Click for the interactive version

week 44.png


Makeover Monday week 45, 2018: US Population Predictions 2016-2060


Makeover Monday week 43, 2018: Beer Prices at different Major League Baseball clubs