For this week’s MakeoverMonday challenge we are looking at car insurance rates – the minimum and the maximum – for each US state. There are significant differences between the states and the visualization I found that aims to show these differences is in need of a makeover.

Here it is:—2500px—72dpi-7203.jpg

What works well:

  • It certainly grabs my attention thanks to the color and shape.
  • The title is large and succinct with the subtitle adding enough context for me to understand what this is about.
  • I can somewhat see that the states are ordered by rate.

What could be improved:

  • It is unclear how to read the chart. A bit of guidance would work wonders.
  • Given that this is a state by state comparison, it is too difficult to find the state name – in fact there are no names, just abbreviations. For any non-US person the abbreviations are not very meaningful except the most known states.
  • The chart is much more complicated than it should be.

What I did:

  • I wanted to address the shortcomings of the original while also adding a simple hex map for interactivity and filtering.
  • Color-wise I’m back to monochrome.
  • Added some BANs for the minimum and full coverage amounts.