This week we’re tackling another Viz5 dataset to highlight gender inequality in new HIV infections among adolescents. The data comes from UNICEF and was provided to us by Operation Fistula who also created the original visualization:

dashboard gender disparities in adolescent HIV in sub-saharan Afrixa

What works well:

  • Key metrics are included: the rate of HIV related deaths per 100,000 people and the number of cases, new infections and incidence rate among adolescents.
  • Each chart is easy enough to understand.
  • The titles are concise.

What could be improved:

  • The colors don’t work that well together: red, green, purple and grey doesn’t look like a harmonious combination in my view.
  • The titles could be expanded to provide a proper explanation of what we’re looking at. As this viz is for awareness purposes, the assumed audience should be the general public, i.e. people without analytical or data background who are seeing this without any background information.
  • The map isn’t as useful as it could be.
  • The ‘story of extreme need’ on the right side of the dashboard isn’t a story, it’s just a collection of charts with titles, there are no insights that lead me from start to finish.

What I did:

  • After briefly looking at country-level data, I was interested in Eswatini’s story for young women and girls and seeing the progress the country made over the years.
  • here is the viz, click on the image for the interactive version.