
We’re continuing to tackle important topics with #MakeoverMonday and I really enjoy it. I’ve noticed the community putting in the extra effort when a dataset ‘matters’ from a societal, political, environmental or ethical perspective.

So for this week we’re looking at the topic of sleep. It’s something I care greatly about but I certainly don’t always get enough.

I have a routine that sets me up for sleep success, but when I’m stressed, those resolutions suffer and the quality of my sleep deteriorates. Ironically, the stress is typically self-inflicted because of my perfectionist tendencies and because I worry too much about stuff.

This week’s viz comes from the American Time Use Survey:

What works well:

  • Colors are distinct but not gender stereotypical
  • Sorting the bars by age group
  • Title is ok
  • Source is included

What could be improved:

  • a lot…
  • The title is boring and could be much more informative
  • The bars are truncated, exaggerating the difference between average hours of sleep (e.g. 8.2 hours look like they’re about half as much as 9.8 hours)
  • The bevel effect is unnecessary
  • The age group labels are very close together, adding a line break would make them more legible
  • It seems that they used a broad definition of sleep, including phases of insomnia, snoozing, day dreaming and trying to fall asleep – I think it’s important to note that in the viz as well, because these numbers look so much higher than what we typically see reported

What I did:

  • I don’t believe the data. Their definition of sleep is something I cannot agree with and it completely distorts the picture of how much sleep people are getting – or not getting.
  • So my viz this week focuses on that: me disagreeing with this survey which I find simply stupid.